Friday, January 28, 2011

"Recognizing The Enemy"

This article is straight from my heart, and I don't say that to sound churchy or arrogant. Today I had what some people would call a "ah ha" moment. I believe that sometimes Christians forget that Satan comes to steal, kill and to destroy. Satan is also known to be the tempter, deceiver, the enemy of our souls, the devourer, and there are many other names that he carries. 2 Corinthians 2:11 says " lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices" Now in context Paul is talking about forgiving a brother that has caused offense to him and the Corinthians. And he tells them, that although he sinned, that they should forgive him of his offense and show the love of Christ. He was teaching them not to allow hatred to build up in their hearts against him. I encourage you to read all of chapter 2, so that you can get the full history of what Paul was saying to the church. Anyhow... Paul was teaching the Corinthian Church to "recognize the enemy". Satan is very cunning and crafty. He doesn't penetrate your thoughts in a abrupt way. He does it by giving you one word at a time. One day he will give you a thought about failure, then the next day he will give you thoughts like " you will never be nothing". But he never gives you the same thought twice because he doesn't want his presence to be known. He rather you be ignorant of his devices. The more ignorant you are of him, the more he can take advantage of you. What is God's perspective on this topic? Hosea 4:6a says " My People are destroyed for a lack of knowledge" Satan's goal has not changed... and that goal is to talk you into doubting who God says He is. The way you can beat him is by EQUIPPING YOURSELF WITH THE WORD OF GOD. Feed yourself Jesus! Strengthen your prayer life. This will sharpen your discernment. It will make you more aware of things. Before I close out this article, I want to give you some good news... You have already won! You have been given the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6) that you might stand against the wilds of the devil. Walk in your victory! I love you with the love of the Lord.

Be Blessed
Minister Chad Owens

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