Sunday, March 27, 2011

"You can't Curse what God has Blessed"

Sometimes I go through things in my life and wonder if I'm cursed... at times I wrestle with discouragement and wonder if God hears my prayers. Have you ever heard that small voice that tickles your ear that says "you will never be nothing" or "God has forsaking you"... "God doesn't love you because you struggle with xyz"? I have! There were times in my life when I didn't want to get out of bed because I felt useless like no one loved me. I felt "cursed". There are some people who can identify with what I'm saying. Here is the secret that satan does not want you to know, YOU ARE NOT CURSED!! as a matter of fact, when you accepted the Lord Jesus as your personal savior... He destroyed the curse over your life and blessed you with an everlasting blessing! Whew!! Thank you Jesus! Like my bishop T.D Jakes would say "lets go deeper" LOL.  Numbers 23:8 says "How shall I curse whom God has not cursed? And how shall I denounce whom the Lord has not denounced? Numbers 23:20 says "Behold, I have recieve a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it." Just to give you a little insight to what's going on here... a moabite king named Balak recruited a prophet name Balaam to "curse" the children of Israel so that they could defeat them in battle. Because of the children of Israels convanant relationship with God.. they were undefeatable. Balak believed that the outcome of battles is determined by the gods, therefore if a curse is spoken over them... it will enable him to defeat them. The prophet balaam tried to curse them three times... but all three times God spoke blessing! Take note of this "Your failures do not define who you are"... Your disabilities do not define who you are. I challenge you to change your perspective! You have a purpose and God is going to use you for His glory. I want you to understand what a curse is.... in the Hebrew language curse is "naqab" and it means "to puncture with holes". My friends... do not be ignorant of satan's devices. He creates scenarios that would make the believer think their leaking. What does that mean? That means that everything you get... you lose it... that means every friend you make... ends up acting weird and stops checking up on you. "Satan wants you to believe that your life has not changed". The devil wants you to think that you will always be in poverty and living from pay check to pay check. The devil wants you to think that you will always have that addiction and you can never get free from it. But I'm here to tell you that its your choice to believe God for what He said about you. He said that your the head and not the tail... your above and not beneath.... your the lender and not the borrower. The greatest deception for a person to believe is that the harm that comes to their life is caused by God. Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope".  God wants to bless you and not harm you... so its  is not Him that causes the evil... God is the one who brings good. God wants you to be "whole". Everytime Balaam tried to curse the children of Israel... God spoke through him and blessed them. Balaam went back to Balak and said(paraphrase) look man... you can't curse what God has blessed. My brothers and my sisters... you are not "cursed" you have your Father's seed in you. Begin to pray over yourself and speak life to yourself. And declare that you are a blessed man or women of God. Don't doubt for a moment that blessing is not on you. The scripture says that "the blessing of the Lord makes one rich and adds no sorrow".

Be Blessed!
Chad Owens

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this. I was just looking for this scripture and your blog came up. In regards to blessing food and confirmation that it cannot be cursed if it is blessed. Enah
