Friday, August 26, 2011

"Deal With It"

I am so excited to write this article because it is just a shorter version of what I'm going to be writing in my book.

**1 Corinthians 10:13 says "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."

Life is full of challenges and obstacles that if we are not careful would eat away at our faith. Relationships that can go sour, job layoffs, disappointments, heartache and heartbreak, can all eat away at our faith in God. If your not careful... tradition and religion can eat away at your faith, and cause you to live a life that God never intended for you to live. You see living for God requires faith. And you can never overcome temptation unless you have complete and total trust in God.
When I read 1 Corinthians 10:13 it helps me understand that God is not a genie... He is a teacher. And many Christians would prefer God to be a genie... that if they would shout loud enough and pray hard enough or if they spin around five times that there problems would disappear. But that is not what the bible teaches. Now don't get me wrong... I believe in prayer and I believe that when we ask God for anything according to His will... He gives it to us. But then there are seasons in our life that God wants to teach. Whew!!!... Sure we would prefer that when we are in trouble that the Lord would deliver us quickly. But the "Testing of our faith produces patience" and the scripture tells us to "Let Patience have it's perfect work." So that we would mature and grow.
What I want to convey to you is this... anytime the scripture talks about temptation... another word that could be used is "TEST"... you see temptation from satan's stand point is enticement... but from God's stand point its "testing"... and a teacher would not allow you to be tested without giving you a lesson first. That is why this particular scripture says that "God is faithful".... Because He will not allow us to be tested without first preparing us for the test. God knows our limits, so no test will be given without Him giving us the answers to our situation. The problem with most believers is that they don't spend time in God's presence to get the answer that they need to overcome life's challenges. Before Jesus was tempted... He fasted 40 days and 40 nights..... Now I know that in the mist of Him fasting... the Lord prepared Him to face satan head on. He spent time in God's presence... and the Holy Spirit prepared Him for the test. When and only when we spend time fasting and praying and seeking the Lord... will He provide the way of escape so that we can endure(bear) the temptation.
So many people would rather not go through anything. But that is not real life. There is so much more that I can say about this scripture... but I guess your going to have to wait until the book comes out LOL... But if there is one thing you need to remember its this. The way of escape does not mean we will not face anything in life. It means God teaches us a lesson before the test. Now let me ask you a question... what has He been teaching you lately?... and why do you keep going through the same things over and over again? Get the lesson so that you can pass the test! If you don't deal with the issue... then it will keep coming up. God is a teacher... and He teaches us to deal with the situations that we face.

Father, help us to deal with our situation and not avoid them. Help us to be real with ourselves. That when we need help, we ask for help. Teach us Lord so that we can be prosperous and victorious in our lives.

In Jesus Name!

Be Blessed!

Be Blessed!
Chad Owens

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