Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Why is divorce higher in the church?"

In this day and age so many marriages are falling apart. Statistics show that divorce is higher in the church then it is in the world. Why do you think that is? Do you think this effects the reputation of the church?

1 comment:

  1. I believe that it is ridiculous that this is even a statistic now a days but it is true that there are so many failing marriages in the church. I believe that some of the reason why there is divorce is because people are not recognizing that when you are married, you give up the "I" for "Us" and when you involve yourself in ministry, you are BOTH involved. The minute you start thinking that there are two separate ministries is when the husband and the wife seem to think that they are to be going separate ways. I believe that in this day in age, women seem to think that they can fulfill the man's role and lead the marriage and the household. Society has shown that "Women have what it takes to be the dominant one and wear the pants". Some wives have a hard time understanding and submitting what God gave them under the husbands vision. You can still have a passion for what God placed in your heart, wives, but you need to be respectful of the fact that you said, "I do" to your husband and God places the ultimate vision in his heart. Women, don't misuse your calling and let the enemy cause division in your marriage. On the flip side, Men need to lose the "man pride" and work as a team instead of destroying the wife's voice. She won't feel valued.

    Also, why do husbands and wives think that they can go to two totally different churches? You need to go to church and be fed together. The church is to be a place where the family is fed together at.
