Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Walking In Excellence

                                                         Part 3: "Keeping Your Word"

 When people think of the word excellence they automatically think external attributes, how you dress, how you talk, how much money you have. That is not what excellence is about. Excellence is a character trait that a person develops over time. It's not about what you are presenting on the outside, but what you are presenting from the inside out. I couldn't wait to get to this topic because so many people lack this character trait. When you tell someone that you are going to do something for them, how your going to do it and when your going to do it... it's important that you do it that way. If something changes... you communicate with the person. Have someone ever told you something that they was going to do for you, then when you get in touch with them they are no where to be found? How does that make you feel? Now ask yourself... have you ever made someone feel that way. Whether you realize it or not, it is apart of our Christian duty to keep our word. Numbers 23:19 "says God is not a man that He should lie, Nor the son of man that He should repent, Has he said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good? If our heavenly Father is big on keeping His word... then we should be on keeping ours. If I said it...I'm going to do it. If I spoke it... I'm going to make it good. Because I'm like my Father!...Did you know that the word says that God esteems His word higher than His name? That is a powerful scripture verse. It just comes to show that God will fulfill his promises. People of God... don't make promises that you can't keep. As a minister I'm very careful when it comes to dealing with people, I have learned to be a man of few words. I made a vow to myself to never be in spiritual covenant with people who don't keep there word, I will love them from a distance. But I will not preach at their church, be their friend, or even do business with them. Why chad that is harsh... well to me honesty and friendship goes hand and hand. I don't think most people realize that, so they end it with friends who betray them, talk about them behind there back. I'm to busy for all that drama. So my standards are high when it comes to friendships. Lets see what esle the word says about keeping your word. Ecclesiates 5:6a says do not let your month cause your flesh to sin. In order words Do not permit your mouth to make rash vows that you cannot keep. So it is sin to say your going to do something and don't do it... wow... did you know that? So its better to be quiet than to make a vow and not keep it. What I found to be interesting is that James 1:26 goes hand and hand with Ecclesiates 5:6a. It says " If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but decieves his own heart, this one's religion is useless." A true believer in the faith... a true christian will value the importance of  practical living as well as spiritual. So I just want to encourage you... keep your word, be like your Father in heaven and esteem your words higher than your name.

Be Blessed!
Minister Chad Owens

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Walking In Excellence

                                               Part 2: Application

In the last article I talked about how I met Dr. Anna MCcoy Richmond and what she taught me as a individual. I realized after leaving her pressence that there was alot I needed to work on. She made my life look like a tore up rag lol.... not in a bad way but in a good way. You might say but chad... I'm sure  Dr MCcoy is twice your age? Don't you have to be 40 years old to live a comfortable life? My response to that would be age is nothing but a number. If a 4 year old would apply these priciples to there life, they would get the same results. When I left home to go to Texas, I knew nothing about finances, I knew nothing about how building credit works. I didn't know that when you go to a car lot, you need to have a down payment and a good credit score. Sad to say I always heard stories of people who would go on the car lot and lay hands on the car and a week later get the car. I'm sure you have always heard stories like this too right? But what they don't tell you is that the  interest rate on the car is 18% (or higher) and that their stuck with a 6 year loan. In my book this is not a miracle. God paying your bills for you because you spent the money at the mall is not a miracle... it is a rebuke!(I have found myself in this position plenty of times... so I'm not condemning or judging, but what I am saying is that we all need to get better.) If we don't apply excellence to our lives then we cannot fulfill our purpose. All of us have gotten wonderful prophecies about doing great things in the world for Jesus Christ.... but can I tell you that if your not walking in excellence people will be turned off by you. Doors will open for you but they won't stay open. You will bear fruit but it won't remain. For example... as much as people tell me that I can preach... If I don't study and deliver the word in excellence... I won't be able to impact the people that I'm ministering to. You can't properly serve people if you don't have a spirit of excellence. I started building credit at the age of 19 years old, and I'm just now getting to a place where my credit is in great shape. It feels good to be able to save money and take vacations because I manage our money well. Do you want more?? Do you want to enjoy life?? I don't know about you but when I'm old I don't want to regret anything about my life.To apply something means to put it into practice. Walking in excellence is a practical matter... it's something that we need to work at. I've made it my priority this year not to do business with people who do not walk in excellence. It is important that you do the same because you have to protect your reputation. Keep a high standard, do not lower it for anyone. Not even your family... if you say your going to be there at 4:00pm be there at 3:45pm. It never hurts to be early. The reason why I have good credit is because I pay my bills a week in advance. I never pay my bills the day of. Now if it comes out of my account automatically that is different. But things like school loans I never pay the same day because it takes a couple of days for it to process...walking in excellence is not in easy thing... but if you want to live your best life...  it's necessary.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Walking In Excellence

                                             Part 1 "Seize the Moment"

One of the things God taught when I was in Dallas Texas is the importance of having an excellent spirit. Today people like to cast blame on others for holding them back and their dreams not becoming realities...  if only they would just be honest with themselves, they would realize that their holding themselves back from living the Life God intended for them to live. When I was at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas I got the awesome privileged of meeting Dr. Anna McCoy Richmond. She was one of the guess speakers that Pastor Adam McCain(Director of Christ for the Nations)  invited to the school to minister to the student body. She spoke a profound message entitled.  "Act Now" ... in which I will never forget  because it taught me to "seize the moment". Somethings will not happen on its own, God has given us creative abilities so that we could create opportunities. She taught us the importance of having divine connections, following up with those connections, and establishing healthy relationships... I mean it was great!!... During her message she pointed me out and used me for one of her illustrations, and that in itself was an interesting experience lol. After the message I said to myself... I want to get to know her. But I struggled with that because of  my insecurities ... I said to myself this women is a millionaire... she is busy... she has things to do... places to go...there is no way she will sit down with me and have lunch. I remember thinking throughout the day... there is no way... there is nooooooo way lol. Well I woke up the next day and I said.. I'm going to do it... I'm going to do it... I'm going to do it.... because the worst thing that could happen is her telling me no. So later on that day I emailed her and asked her if we could ever get together... she emailed me back and said sure.. why don't you come over Thanksgiving day and have lunch with me and my family. I WAS BLOWN AWAY.... do you see what happens when you  "I seized the moment" ...Her house was decked out... I said to myself... oh my word lol... She was laid back... funny... and she can make a mean pan of Mac and Cheese... Lord have and I learned more from her by interacting with her and watching the way she carried herself then me just talking to her. I thought to myself... I want to be that kind of person... where the life that I live will speaks for me.  What I took away from that experience is the importants of living an excellent life. I wasn't fasinated because of her house, and her cars,and the stuff she had.... I was fasinated because she taught me that not only can you have these things... but you can keep these things, you can maintain these things and not get caught up on yourself... if you walk in excellence... keep your word, pay your bills on time, have great time management skills, God will honor that! Hear me my friends... God honors the little sacrafices that we make. It's time for you to ask yourself, why don't my relationships last?, why is my account always overdrawn?, why don't my family like to be around me? I'm going to challenge you to do what most people don't like to do "Examine Yourself". It's time out for blaming others for the life your not living. It's time for you to step up and walk in Excellence. By the way, you can check out Dr. Anna Mccoy's website by going to

Be Blessed
Minister Chad Owens 

Monday, February 14, 2011

"How to deal with people who are jealous of you"

How do you handle people who are Jealous of your success? This is not a silent jealousy that I'm talking about either, I'm talking about the kind of jealousy that will have people talking behind your back, gossiping about you, lying on you. What do you do when your family starts acting funny and the people that are closest to you stop coming around. The proper response is to LOVE THEM ANYWAY. You have to treat your oppressors like Jesus treated His.... He treated them like they was a distraction. Can I tell you what feeds the people that have envy toward you for no reason? It's when you give attention to it. You might say... but they lie on me... and they talk about me... and they treat me like I'm nothing. My response to that is where is your confidence?.... A person that spends to much time talking about what people think of them and not what God thinks of them is very insecure. So let the haters hate.... God doesn't  want you to concentrate  on people who are jealous of you...  be focused on His business. If your to busy concentrating on who is jealous of you, then you have to much time on your hands. I encourage you to not allow  satan to distract you. God likes you and He loves you... and that is all that matters.

Be Blessed
Minister Chad Owens

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why doesn't the bible talk much about Dating?

The bible doesn't talk much about dating but God has equipped us as human beings with something called "common sense". The problem with most people is that they don't use it. It's important to read the bible to get understanding on what it says about "relationships"... their might not be scriptures on dating... but their are scriptures on relationships...... and no I'm not going to list them all, because their is a lot of them. I challenge you to search out the scriptures for yourself and allow God to give you His perspective on Relationships. Dating is only for the people who got God's approval on the relationship. Because this is the one that God has chosen for you. By the way ladies... God chooses the man... that will choose you. To many women try to take control of the situation and things always end up backwards when that happens. Divorce is higher in the church than it is in the world... let me tell you why... because people just go off of God told me this is my mate. USE COMMON SENSE. People in the church are so spiritual that they lack common sense... ain't that a shame. If he has a history of abusing women and he is not rooted and grounded in the church.... and God told you he is your husband.... "You better check that".... It just might be your emotions thats talking... not God. Dating is a common sense factor.... it only should be used if God has approved the relationship. Then you continue to pray.... by the way.... If God has approved the relationship... its better to marry than to burn.... SO GET MARRIED... LOL... I'm just saying... but my wife and I had a 2 year engagement. God approved the relationship but it wasn't time for us to get married. So here are some steps that I came up with... that will help you on deciding if you should date.

Step 1: Research the scriptures and see what it says about relationships.
Step 2: Ask yourself... does this persons lifestyle line up with the scriptures I just read. (For Example: 1 Cor 15:33 says " Do not be deceived: Evil company corrupts good habits" or some translations says character. When you are around this person, does this relationship produce good habits or bad habits) This is one of those common sense scriptures I will telling you about.
Step 3: If this person's life style does line up with the word than you "seek God".
Step 4: Wait for an answer
Step 5: If the answer is yes... start dating and set a "date" or pray about a "date".... Because dating is about setting a "date". It's not about exploring your options and different people.
Step 6: Seek God some more and enjoy Dating....
Step 7: (Which is the number of completion) By now... you should have picked a date and get married. Live happily ever after.

So as I conclude this article, dating is not about exploring people and trying different things. Its about seeking God while your picking a date... on the calendar. Before you date... get God's approval.

Be Blessed,
Minister Chad Owens.

"The Temptation to Establish Relationships based on Moments"

What does temptation have to do with your relationships? Everything.... most people in up being with someone who is not good for them because they are seeking after what I would call a "moment". Chad what are you talking about? I'm saying to you that choosing a relationship base off of where you are and not where your going will cause nothing but hurt and headache. Many people pretend to be happy... but deep down on the inside of them they wish they haven't chosen xyz to be there mate. (I know that is a hard fact... but its life.) The question is how can you avoid being put in this position.  When talking about moments you need to understand something.... Never choose to marry someone because you had a great moment together. In other words just because he took you to lunch, paid for the meal and you saw that he left a good tip for the waiter, does not mean he is your husband. (SMILE). Don't make decisions based on MOMENTS.... that is the biggest mistake you can ever make.  Listen my brothers... just because she is well spoken.... and she smells good... does not mean that God has equipped her to help you get to where He is taking you. Just because you had a good moment... it doesn't mean it's meant to be a lifetime. What is the answer to making sure your not establishing a relationship based on a moment... "Seek God"... and wait for him to speak to you. Some people He will speak to about the relationship quickly... and others He will say... its not time yet. If you get a no its not time yet... "avoid dating"... Don't rush things.... go out and be friends and continue to seek God while your doing that. Don't allow the temptation of establishing a relationship on Moments get the best of you.... it will give you peace in the end.

Tell Me Your Testimony... How has God been your provider?