Sunday, February 20, 2011

Walking In Excellence

                                               Part 2: Application

In the last article I talked about how I met Dr. Anna MCcoy Richmond and what she taught me as a individual. I realized after leaving her pressence that there was alot I needed to work on. She made my life look like a tore up rag lol.... not in a bad way but in a good way. You might say but chad... I'm sure  Dr MCcoy is twice your age? Don't you have to be 40 years old to live a comfortable life? My response to that would be age is nothing but a number. If a 4 year old would apply these priciples to there life, they would get the same results. When I left home to go to Texas, I knew nothing about finances, I knew nothing about how building credit works. I didn't know that when you go to a car lot, you need to have a down payment and a good credit score. Sad to say I always heard stories of people who would go on the car lot and lay hands on the car and a week later get the car. I'm sure you have always heard stories like this too right? But what they don't tell you is that the  interest rate on the car is 18% (or higher) and that their stuck with a 6 year loan. In my book this is not a miracle. God paying your bills for you because you spent the money at the mall is not a miracle... it is a rebuke!(I have found myself in this position plenty of times... so I'm not condemning or judging, but what I am saying is that we all need to get better.) If we don't apply excellence to our lives then we cannot fulfill our purpose. All of us have gotten wonderful prophecies about doing great things in the world for Jesus Christ.... but can I tell you that if your not walking in excellence people will be turned off by you. Doors will open for you but they won't stay open. You will bear fruit but it won't remain. For example... as much as people tell me that I can preach... If I don't study and deliver the word in excellence... I won't be able to impact the people that I'm ministering to. You can't properly serve people if you don't have a spirit of excellence. I started building credit at the age of 19 years old, and I'm just now getting to a place where my credit is in great shape. It feels good to be able to save money and take vacations because I manage our money well. Do you want more?? Do you want to enjoy life?? I don't know about you but when I'm old I don't want to regret anything about my life.To apply something means to put it into practice. Walking in excellence is a practical matter... it's something that we need to work at. I've made it my priority this year not to do business with people who do not walk in excellence. It is important that you do the same because you have to protect your reputation. Keep a high standard, do not lower it for anyone. Not even your family... if you say your going to be there at 4:00pm be there at 3:45pm. It never hurts to be early. The reason why I have good credit is because I pay my bills a week in advance. I never pay my bills the day of. Now if it comes out of my account automatically that is different. But things like school loans I never pay the same day because it takes a couple of days for it to process...walking in excellence is not in easy thing... but if you want to live your best life...  it's necessary.

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