Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why doesn't the bible talk much about Dating?

The bible doesn't talk much about dating but God has equipped us as human beings with something called "common sense". The problem with most people is that they don't use it. It's important to read the bible to get understanding on what it says about "relationships"... their might not be scriptures on dating... but their are scriptures on relationships...... and no I'm not going to list them all, because their is a lot of them. I challenge you to search out the scriptures for yourself and allow God to give you His perspective on Relationships. Dating is only for the people who got God's approval on the relationship. Because this is the one that God has chosen for you. By the way ladies... God chooses the man... that will choose you. To many women try to take control of the situation and things always end up backwards when that happens. Divorce is higher in the church than it is in the world... let me tell you why... because people just go off of God told me this is my mate. USE COMMON SENSE. People in the church are so spiritual that they lack common sense... ain't that a shame. If he has a history of abusing women and he is not rooted and grounded in the church.... and God told you he is your husband.... "You better check that".... It just might be your emotions thats talking... not God. Dating is a common sense factor.... it only should be used if God has approved the relationship. Then you continue to pray.... by the way.... If God has approved the relationship... its better to marry than to burn.... SO GET MARRIED... LOL... I'm just saying... but my wife and I had a 2 year engagement. God approved the relationship but it wasn't time for us to get married. So here are some steps that I came up with... that will help you on deciding if you should date.

Step 1: Research the scriptures and see what it says about relationships.
Step 2: Ask yourself... does this persons lifestyle line up with the scriptures I just read. (For Example: 1 Cor 15:33 says " Do not be deceived: Evil company corrupts good habits" or some translations says character. When you are around this person, does this relationship produce good habits or bad habits) This is one of those common sense scriptures I will telling you about.
Step 3: If this person's life style does line up with the word than you "seek God".
Step 4: Wait for an answer
Step 5: If the answer is yes... start dating and set a "date" or pray about a "date".... Because dating is about setting a "date". It's not about exploring your options and different people.
Step 6: Seek God some more and enjoy Dating....
Step 7: (Which is the number of completion) By now... you should have picked a date and get married. Live happily ever after.

So as I conclude this article, dating is not about exploring people and trying different things. Its about seeking God while your picking a date... on the calendar. Before you date... get God's approval.

Be Blessed,
Minister Chad Owens.

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