Saturday, February 12, 2011

"The Temptation to Establish Relationships based on Moments"

What does temptation have to do with your relationships? Everything.... most people in up being with someone who is not good for them because they are seeking after what I would call a "moment". Chad what are you talking about? I'm saying to you that choosing a relationship base off of where you are and not where your going will cause nothing but hurt and headache. Many people pretend to be happy... but deep down on the inside of them they wish they haven't chosen xyz to be there mate. (I know that is a hard fact... but its life.) The question is how can you avoid being put in this position.  When talking about moments you need to understand something.... Never choose to marry someone because you had a great moment together. In other words just because he took you to lunch, paid for the meal and you saw that he left a good tip for the waiter, does not mean he is your husband. (SMILE). Don't make decisions based on MOMENTS.... that is the biggest mistake you can ever make.  Listen my brothers... just because she is well spoken.... and she smells good... does not mean that God has equipped her to help you get to where He is taking you. Just because you had a good moment... it doesn't mean it's meant to be a lifetime. What is the answer to making sure your not establishing a relationship based on a moment... "Seek God"... and wait for him to speak to you. Some people He will speak to about the relationship quickly... and others He will say... its not time yet. If you get a no its not time yet... "avoid dating"... Don't rush things.... go out and be friends and continue to seek God while your doing that. Don't allow the temptation of establishing a relationship on Moments get the best of you.... it will give you peace in the end.

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