Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tell Me Your Testimony... How has God been your provider?


  1. How has God been my provider? ooo where do I begin! =) Ever since I started my college career God has proven to me over and over again that He truly is not a man that he should lie and that He will take care of me as long as I keep my faith in Him. For starters, all of my schooling was paid off for my first year and that in and of itself was a great blessing. It was quite a struggle at first though because there were intially some issues going on at the financial aid office and coming in to the first semester I wasn't sure where the money was going to come from. However, God came through for me and took care of it, which really showed me that trusting in Him is just way easier than constantly stressing about things. Anyway, God also blessed with a really great job on campus and what amazes me about this was that it was a complete surprise. I wasn't planning on looking for a job until the second semester of my freshman year just because I wanted time to get used to college life and stuff. But for some reason I just decided to apply for three jobs around early Novemeber and within about two hours of applying I heard back from a potential employer, had the interview and was hired! I couldn't believe I was so excited I had to call my mom lol. But that's not even all of it the job I got was the one that paid the most out of the whole list on the career services website AND this is my first job. Now tell me that isn't God? Just seeing how God has been working in my life is really just making me love Him soo much more, because it's showing me that God really does know the plans He has for my life, and yes I know that it says so in Jeremiah 29:11 and all but the Word of God means so much more when you actually walk it out and experience it for yourself, which is why it also says tast and see that the Lord is good. Anyway,I'm done for now Love you guys!=)

  2. Wow Alexis... what an awesome Testimony!!! I really enjoyed reading that... you were one of my best students!!! God does things for a reason. Love you and keep following hard after God.
