Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Walking In Excellence

                                                         Part 3: "Keeping Your Word"

 When people think of the word excellence they automatically think external attributes, how you dress, how you talk, how much money you have. That is not what excellence is about. Excellence is a character trait that a person develops over time. It's not about what you are presenting on the outside, but what you are presenting from the inside out. I couldn't wait to get to this topic because so many people lack this character trait. When you tell someone that you are going to do something for them, how your going to do it and when your going to do it... it's important that you do it that way. If something changes... you communicate with the person. Have someone ever told you something that they was going to do for you, then when you get in touch with them they are no where to be found? How does that make you feel? Now ask yourself... have you ever made someone feel that way. Whether you realize it or not, it is apart of our Christian duty to keep our word. Numbers 23:19 "says God is not a man that He should lie, Nor the son of man that He should repent, Has he said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good? If our heavenly Father is big on keeping His word... then we should be on keeping ours. If I said it...I'm going to do it. If I spoke it... I'm going to make it good. Because I'm like my Father!...Did you know that the word says that God esteems His word higher than His name? That is a powerful scripture verse. It just comes to show that God will fulfill his promises. People of God... don't make promises that you can't keep. As a minister I'm very careful when it comes to dealing with people, I have learned to be a man of few words. I made a vow to myself to never be in spiritual covenant with people who don't keep there word, I will love them from a distance. But I will not preach at their church, be their friend, or even do business with them. Why chad that is harsh... well to me honesty and friendship goes hand and hand. I don't think most people realize that, so they end it with friends who betray them, talk about them behind there back. I'm to busy for all that drama. So my standards are high when it comes to friendships. Lets see what esle the word says about keeping your word. Ecclesiates 5:6a says do not let your month cause your flesh to sin. In order words Do not permit your mouth to make rash vows that you cannot keep. So it is sin to say your going to do something and don't do it... wow... did you know that? So its better to be quiet than to make a vow and not keep it. What I found to be interesting is that James 1:26 goes hand and hand with Ecclesiates 5:6a. It says " If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but decieves his own heart, this one's religion is useless." A true believer in the faith... a true christian will value the importance of  practical living as well as spiritual. So I just want to encourage you... keep your word, be like your Father in heaven and esteem your words higher than your name.

Be Blessed!
Minister Chad Owens

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