Monday, February 14, 2011

"How to deal with people who are jealous of you"

How do you handle people who are Jealous of your success? This is not a silent jealousy that I'm talking about either, I'm talking about the kind of jealousy that will have people talking behind your back, gossiping about you, lying on you. What do you do when your family starts acting funny and the people that are closest to you stop coming around. The proper response is to LOVE THEM ANYWAY. You have to treat your oppressors like Jesus treated His.... He treated them like they was a distraction. Can I tell you what feeds the people that have envy toward you for no reason? It's when you give attention to it. You might say... but they lie on me... and they talk about me... and they treat me like I'm nothing. My response to that is where is your confidence?.... A person that spends to much time talking about what people think of them and not what God thinks of them is very insecure. So let the haters hate.... God doesn't  want you to concentrate  on people who are jealous of you...  be focused on His business. If your to busy concentrating on who is jealous of you, then you have to much time on your hands. I encourage you to not allow  satan to distract you. God likes you and He loves you... and that is all that matters.

Be Blessed
Minister Chad Owens

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