Saturday, February 19, 2011

Walking In Excellence

                                             Part 1 "Seize the Moment"

One of the things God taught when I was in Dallas Texas is the importance of having an excellent spirit. Today people like to cast blame on others for holding them back and their dreams not becoming realities...  if only they would just be honest with themselves, they would realize that their holding themselves back from living the Life God intended for them to live. When I was at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas I got the awesome privileged of meeting Dr. Anna McCoy Richmond. She was one of the guess speakers that Pastor Adam McCain(Director of Christ for the Nations)  invited to the school to minister to the student body. She spoke a profound message entitled.  "Act Now" ... in which I will never forget  because it taught me to "seize the moment". Somethings will not happen on its own, God has given us creative abilities so that we could create opportunities. She taught us the importance of having divine connections, following up with those connections, and establishing healthy relationships... I mean it was great!!... During her message she pointed me out and used me for one of her illustrations, and that in itself was an interesting experience lol. After the message I said to myself... I want to get to know her. But I struggled with that because of  my insecurities ... I said to myself this women is a millionaire... she is busy... she has things to do... places to go...there is no way she will sit down with me and have lunch. I remember thinking throughout the day... there is no way... there is nooooooo way lol. Well I woke up the next day and I said.. I'm going to do it... I'm going to do it... I'm going to do it.... because the worst thing that could happen is her telling me no. So later on that day I emailed her and asked her if we could ever get together... she emailed me back and said sure.. why don't you come over Thanksgiving day and have lunch with me and my family. I WAS BLOWN AWAY.... do you see what happens when you  "I seized the moment" ...Her house was decked out... I said to myself... oh my word lol... She was laid back... funny... and she can make a mean pan of Mac and Cheese... Lord have and I learned more from her by interacting with her and watching the way she carried herself then me just talking to her. I thought to myself... I want to be that kind of person... where the life that I live will speaks for me.  What I took away from that experience is the importants of living an excellent life. I wasn't fasinated because of her house, and her cars,and the stuff she had.... I was fasinated because she taught me that not only can you have these things... but you can keep these things, you can maintain these things and not get caught up on yourself... if you walk in excellence... keep your word, pay your bills on time, have great time management skills, God will honor that! Hear me my friends... God honors the little sacrafices that we make. It's time for you to ask yourself, why don't my relationships last?, why is my account always overdrawn?, why don't my family like to be around me? I'm going to challenge you to do what most people don't like to do "Examine Yourself". It's time out for blaming others for the life your not living. It's time for you to step up and walk in Excellence. By the way, you can check out Dr. Anna Mccoy's website by going to

Be Blessed
Minister Chad Owens 

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